A new season begins….









Advent began yesterday…. For us… it began at this table…. The rugged hands of my husband built every piece. God’s Word scratched out underneath the table top. We ate and drank upon His Word…so to speak. And all our lives, we pray, are really built upon it.


We ate leftover country ham sliders…melted baby swiss cheese (smile). Just this time of the year though… We laughed over ice cream. We turned out the lights and pulled out a single candle stick, set it ablaze and then spoke. Spoke the Words of God. Words my firstborn piped to me when I asked what verse he would like to put under the table top…


For unto us a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given.


Isaiah words breathing HOPE all over us.

That verse they still remembered from LAST CHRISTMAS, that’s grace. The raspy voice of the princess in pure Southern drawl….

The people walking in darkness saw a great light.


Isaiah words lining up with John words.

In Him was life and the life was the light of men.


Their eyes danced in a single candle’s light. All curled up on mommy and daddy’s lap. Humming and singing the tune of O Holy Night.


A thrill of Hope. The weary world…rejoices?


YES! REJOICES. We didn’t realize our own poverty. Didn’t know we were blind. But then the Morning Star dawned. The Sunrise from on high visited us.


ADVENT. Wait with me? Let’s expect to behold the LIGHT of presence every day this week. Let’s watch for Him together?

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