





So, you’re here again, thank you! Can we all just take a moment and acknowledge the fact that my heart is pounding out of my chest?! Can you hear it?! I’m nervous (smile).


The truth? I am nothing. I have nothing…not a thing to say, except Jesus… His relieving Word. It is not an idle Word but a living one and it is unabashedly a deep joy.


Even if you don’t know Jesus, would you stay here a while? You might get to know Him  and who knows maybe your heart will be pounding out of your chest one day too, trying to figure out how to grab someone with your words and pull them close to your side just long enough to say…. Jesus loves YOU!


I’ve got these three kids that circle up around my feet all the day long.  The one with the curls envied by all, with such enthralling beauty…when she hears that youngest boy cry…she starts to sing Jesus Loves Me.




And y’all, she sings it like she believes it will fix everything. Like anything that’s broken, messed up, hurting, struggling could be fixed by this three word truth. Jesus LOVES…me? It always startles me, mostly because if I am honest I don’t believe that… fully. Sounds ugly and it is. We’re all ugly that way though, aren’t we? Do we really believe that Jesus can fix all unfailingly?


Your broken heart, that tottering marriage, that raging temper, that destructive impatience, all the crippling insecurity…the day, month, year gone all wrong? Could His LOVE really fix us? Could it be that the longer we cling to Jesus, lingering before the only mirror that reflects truth, that breathing book, the Bible… Could we be healed? Just like He said?


He sent his word and healed them. 


Is that curly haired 2 year old wiser than we?


A resounding yes reverberates in my soul. Yes, because Jesus’ love really does fix everything!


Friend, I am nothing apart from Him…. I need you to know. I am not inviting you on this journey….to this blog, because I think I have something you need. I don’t.


But I know Someone…. JESUS and He is LIFE. He calls people, you & me, to things, different things, it’s beautiful like that. All of us filling up this tapestry doing the thing He created us to do, fulfilling our purpose in this generation.


Honest? It would be easier to write nothing, to teach nothing…. Because the reality is all of this is, well, hard. Whatever you may read or see here is a clinging to Him I pray. An invitation for you to cling with me…..


To live is Christ.


And living is nothing else at all. All is Christ or it is nothing. Everything that does not yield to His glory turns to ash (1 Corinthians 3). Grace relieves us…it comes singing JESUS LOVES ME. Do you hear it? Faith comes from hearing. The Bible tells me so. The Scripture comes heralding Christ’s love…blood stained wood…life pouring to the ground…dead, buried. Three days later…dimmest of light hitting the darkness at dawn…the lifter of the curse breathes. He breathes life. Saving the faith-filled from sure fire.




Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what He has done for my soul.


One testimony. One Word. One life.


To live is Christ.


And tomorrow if He wills, I will meet you here again.  In the mean time, do you want to enjoy some time together and read other posts? I invite you to with the warmest of smiles.


I invite you to sing what I pray your soul knows more and more…


Jesus. Loves. You.


Maybe we can learn this song? Etched not in our minds alone, but on our hearts softened by grace. Faith like child?


Jesus. Loves. Me!

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