Something that really is impossible….


The world…its system is shrouded in darkness. We all know this. In a world where 243 girls are kidnapped in broad daylight, where young woman film the murder of a baby and smile about it, where I hear a neighbor sin profoundly against another, and it rocks me; and I wrestle is grace really for everyone… And the answer is a relieving yes, because before Jesus, we were all dark too. Truth is the kidnappers, the mommy who stole the life of her own little one, my neighbor…they don’t know Jesus. Their lives are shrouded in darkness, but there’s hope, yeah even for the vilest offender who truly believes. All I am is staked on healing balm of that Gospel, that snatches sinners from awaiting flames.


The Light of men dawned in the world and everyone shrank back, but He kept pursuing. Kept chasing after us with holy light. Calling us to life, because nothing can really live in the darkness. And there wrestling with questions, it occurred to me like relieving first light of day hitting the horizon…


Darkness can NEVER overcome the light.


It’s impossible. The darkness of men who sin against women cannot overcome JESUS and His marvelous light. The darkness of women who sin against their children (all of us, right?) cannot overcome JESUS and His marvelous light. The darkness of all of us who think more of ourselves and better of ourselves than we do anyone else cannot overcome JESUS and His marvelous light.


Jesus overcame. The darkness shoved forever back. Jesus overcame us. And He can overcome all the lost around us as we herald the Good News. He bought for Himself children of the day…children of the light who do not sleep as others do (1 Thessalonians). We aren’t lulled by the false doctrines and principles touted by the world (Colossians 2:8). We aren’t lured into ignoring our own flesh and blood (Isaiah 58). We’re convicted, we repent, we change by the work of the Holy Spirit in us this is so (2 Corinthians 7). And light overcomes the darkness in us (Colossians 1). And light overcomes the darkness blanketing this world, and that is relieving, because I need to know it is IMPOSSIBLE for darkness to overcome light (John 1). And it is IMPOSSIBLE.


The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever. Revelation 11:15


This will happen, and we will rejoice! Darkness forever overcome.

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  1. Praise be!! Glory! Christ has overcome. Darkness can never overcome light. Fabulous truth.

  2. And btw the photographed image is perfect. Stunning.

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