
What does home decor, washing dishes on repeat, laundry without end have to do with the will of God, your purpose in life, and the Father’s unfurling plan? How does a trip to the local grocery store or a walk in the green way have anything to do with the sharing of the Gospel, the nurturing of souls, the ushering in of Christ’s kingdom? Does the simple and  ordinary have anything to do with the spectacular, the supernatural?


And I come again to Mary’s Magnificat though Christmas slipped sweetly by, the Words I memorized reverberate in the corridors of an increasingly hopeful mind. He found her in the midst of the everyday… this young girl whose life existed in a small inconsequential town, whose life no doubt contained every bit of the mundane that you and I experience each day. Mary wasn’t walking a red carpet. She was preparing to wed a carpenter. And the Lord came to her. *The Lord has had regard on the humble star of his bond servant* {Luke 1}. And I am not nearly humble enough, but He is patient with me. The Lord has looked on the woman sent away from her home… almost out of water in the desert, and He opens her eyes to see His provision. She and her son do not die of thirst. They needed the everyday mundane, water. And God saw her {this woman is Hagar, see Genesis 21}. The Lord remembered the tears spilled by a barren woman who wept quietly upon an altar and He gave her deep desire. The Lord stood witness to her common prayer, a prayer prayed by many a woman to become something common yet sacred, a mom{this woman is Hannah in 1 Samuel }.


The mundane/secular has everything to do with the sacred. They are inseparable; we participate in the sacred and secular all day long, cognizant of it or not. We are created worshippers image bearers and it is s mighty beautiful thing. Sometimes I feel tension between the two. Can I place beautiful table settings and home decor pictures beside sober words of biblical truth? Can this *art* accompany the desire to make much of Jesus. Perhaps a trite quandary to some, but it deeply concerned me until I realized again that…


All of life folds together every part bows or balks in submission to our God our Creator and I realized yes the two go together  quite perfectly.


Laundry & praise.


Changing diapers & prayer.


Waking up & Bible Study.


Brushing teeth & rehearsing Scripture.


When we use our lives even all that we are to make much of Jesus it is a pleasing offering to Him. We are not spending our lives in frivolity in the ordinary then. We are not wasting our lives if our hearts are preoccupied with Jesus. If that Man is the leader of your heart you will find that everything common and everything supernatural is for Him. This probable carpenter by trade, Jesus, who spoke the eternal words of Isaiah and fulfilled them, this wedding attender who turned water into wine at that party, this Man who sat and ate meals with people, broke His body upon the cross so that we might share all He has with God. He lived the everyday uncommonly and perfectly beautifully.


If for each one us *to live is Christ,* then we must seek Him for the miracle of the everyday becoming something quite sacred.


Turns out the ordinary is the sacred. Turn the pages of Scripture long enough and I think you will see the same. We are living sacrifices after all {Romans 12}.


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