The Lord Jesus Christ fitted to our lives is what we really need to be after. Jesus covering me in all of my intricacies is not going to look just like you in all of yours. His Word is timeless and true. We yield to it all the same, but when we yield we start to come into our own and look especially the way He intended and designed us, not another.

Do you remember that time John when Peter looks back at the ‘Beloved Disciple’ John and asks Jesus a curious question:

John 21

20 Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them, the one who also had leaned back against him during the supper and had said, “Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?” 21 When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about this man?” 22 Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!”

Jesus is always answering a question with a question isn’t He?! What is that to you….? He asks Peter. Here’s the thing, what the Lord ordains in the life of a fellow saint is quite frankly none of our concern. We are to put our hand to our own plow and work diligently in His kingdom doing whatever it is He has created us to do for His glory. This eliminates comparison, which is folly, complaining, which is sin, and our condemning spirits as sometimes we are appalled that others don’t do things just as we would. Our path is not superior; it has never been so in the Body of Christ, that is the Church (1 Corinthians 12-14).

My friend, this is security. Jesus has secured you. You get to walk in His Word which is the same for all AND in His will, in day to day life the outplaying of His will may look gloriously different. That was intended by Him and He thinks it is good. We all adhere to His Word, but we don’t all, for instance, stay at home with our kiddos. The mom who works has not necessarily sinned. The one who stays at home isn’t any better than she who labors outside of her home all the day. Gladly accept the way He set you in, the gifts He graciously gave you, and do your work with zeal.

Jesus fitted to your life will look different than your neighbor, but that doesn’t make your neighbor better and you less. Rejoice as He beautifully works out His will in the lives of your brothers and sisters around you!

To the mommies — if your friend can buy a vineyard with her earnings, rejoice with her! Don’t make her feel guilty, or if she works hard cooking regularly and tending to her home, rejoice just the same. When we put on Christ and live in the fear of the Lord, we will find that who we are in HIM is beautiful. Don’t despise your life or the life of another.

Your jeans may be ill-fitting (smile), but Jesus fitted to your person always brings blinding beauty. Rest in Him.

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