
We may be covered in food, in someone else’s snot and spit-up. We may be afflicted by showerless days and sleepless nights. We may feel like a shell of a person at times, but if we have the honor of being called, “Mommy,”  we are blessed. Because even though I haven’t showered and sometimes I haven’t shaved (smiling grimace…it’s summer y’all) that firstborn boy still snuggles up and declares, “Mommy you smell so good! The hairs coming out of your arms, they smell so good!” Because despite lack of sleep, I still awake to a tidal wave of smiles, “Mommy, I love you! I love you with all of my heart!” And that toddling boy whose favorite word I pray is always, “Momma, Momma!”  Well, maybe not always…you know what I mean.


This life it’s always this beautiful mix of joy mingled with pain, of laughter mingled with tears, of happiness right up against sorrow…an ordained bucket of blessing. A God-led path that is leading us on toward victory and our joy.


These playgrounds are battlegrounds where we decide if we will teach our children that God is everything, or that He is just for sometimes.



We can lead them into the wonder of all God made…into the courts of Thanksgiving in fields of lightning bugs. We can teach them Godward life or, by neglect, we won’t show them the greatest unseen Treasure of the world, King Jesus and His preeminence in all things.


He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. Colossians 1:18


We forget that these beautiful hard days that THIS this right here is greatest joy and opportunity. Here’s how you make the most of every opportunity doing good in these evil days as you are a momma. Just a flowing list of the divine gifts our God is giving you…..


Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16

image You can love your husband something fierce before those sweet children. You can show them this brilliantly gorgeous picture of the Gospel at work in your everyday life in this way. You can honor that husband of yours even during his less honorable times, because we too share in the struggle against our own flesh just as fiercely as they do. Your husband is worth following; God-chosen leader of your home. Make his role his greatest joy not his greatest struggle. Humility goes farther than a whole string of pretty words before children who are watching and listening with their whole being. Show them the most beautiful thing in all of creation…how Christ loves His church (that’s your husband’s role) and how the church honors and submits to her stunning groom (that’s yours).


You can let your life pour grace. The easiest thing to do is to give them rules. We’re trying to teach them how to behave, I totally get it. And friend, please do teach them how to act (laughing smile). We could use some kiddos full of a fresh dose of respect for their parents and elders…that’s not old school, it’s biblical. Soapbox aside though and in all seriousness, if we just nurture rule followers who can share their toys, we’ve missed the Gospel carrying boat. We don’t need moral kids, we need saved ones. Children who realize that to obey means to rely on the power of the Spirit of Christ who willingly enables us to do what we cannot do (see Romans chapters 7-8 all).


You can be a TON of fun. Some of us just take everything too seriously. I know that kind of girl, because I am that kind of girl. I can be as serious as a heart attack about everything. I am so thankful that God made me the bubbly sort because my own personality bent gives me the room to ENJOY life. This life, if it’s in Christ, this is the abundant life He is giving you. Haven’t the lines fallen in pleasant places for you (Psalm 16). I didn’t say they have fallen in perfect places, but haven’t they fallen in pleasant ones? There will always be trial, shew, we’ve had our share of it. There will always be struggle…we live in a fallen world, but there can always…there must always be JOY. That freedom that is unbound by circumstance; that demeanor and disposition which makes all who behold it, marvel. Take hold of it.


One day you will wish to be covered in someone else’s snot and spit up, and on that day may all the grandbabies come and visit and crawl all over you (warm smile), but in the mean time…make the most of every opportunity, because these days are never coming back.


There’s no dress rehearsal for life, this, right here, is the stage. It’s not a performance; it’s pilgrimage.



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1 Comment

  1. Bring it sister!! Shoo. Amen.

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