How to keep pace with God….


Memorizing Scripture is one of those well-worn paths in my life. It’s as familiar as eating 3 meals and 2 snacks a day (smile). But some seasons are more pressing than others. When the harder paths come, I walk slow in the Word, not in the rigorous training… sometimes we wonder from the well-worn paths, out of necessity rather than desire. The good thing though about well-worn paths is that their easy to find again. 2 Peter this morning familiar sweet waters to my soul. If memorizing isn’t a familiar path for you, it can be. You start by picking a passage and adding one verse at a time. My simple method, one to two verses a day (M-F) and review on Saturdays. Eye on the prize, the goal is always Jesus Himself, to know Him, to love Him. We will talk more about this in coming days…..


The kids are well after 3 weeks of sleepless nights (hardly an exaggeration). I walked slow in the Word while they needed momma to rise at midnight, 3am, 4am, 5am with them (smile), walked slow so I could keep pace with the Lord, to understand how I need to live and repent when the season is more pressing than other ones. The thing is we must always, always keep keeping pace with our Lord. Let our feet not hurry ahead or lag behind Him, for He Himself is the Way.


Have you ever felt like a towel wrung out dry? Every bit of energy, spare time, coherent thought just squeezed right out of you? Anyone? Just me (laughing smile)? The Lord has this penchant for the weak, the meek, the lowly, the broken, the worn.flat.out. He loves a mom. And if that wrung out vessel keeps coming down the path of obedience, even slowly, the growth there…in the hard time…often outweighs the growth of seasons full of comfort and a full night’s rest.


The Lord puts us in places where there are no other options but dependence on Him. He does so for a great number of His own reasons I am sure, but also perhaps to remind us that there is no other option but to fully depend on Him no matter the occasion. We forget easy. We get swept away in laundry, cleaning, folding clothes on repeat (if you do that sort of thing, smile), play dates, church events, and the like. But the Lord is faithful, He just keeps putting us in places where we see Him, realize our need for Him, and learn to keep pace again.


Since the garden (Gensis 1) , our God has always loved walking with us. And though we fell into death and sin, He laid His Son out on a tree so we could walk with Him, in truth, again. So, we could keep on keeping pace. It is He who keeps us from stumbling now. At times He leads us slow through His Word, and it is He who leads us back to well-worn paths…the paths worn deep by the saints who desired to walk close with their God. If possible, by the end of this year I will have convinced you that memorizing God’s Word is a path you want to stay on for keeps and keep on getting back on with life and circumstances seek to drive you off.



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