Memorize Scripture with your kids….


Is there even time for this? The sink is overflowing. The laundry yet undone (just when I think I’ve reached the end, I realize I must begin again, smile). There’s beds to be made. Computer work to get done. Where in this life full to the brim is there time to sit and memorize Scripture period yet alone with kids?


Here’s the thing…life breaks without Jesus. This I know, leave Jesus out of anything long enough and it comes unglued. He is the only who holds things together. Scripture is where we get to see Him…know Him…learn to love Him. Just begin to see the preeminent worth of His person. Jesus is precious in every way and don’t we desire our children to believe truth like that?


You do have time to share the Scripture with your children, and if we don’t it may be that we’re just spending our time all wrong. Even if you empty the sink and get all the work done, have you ever noticed how it will all be there again tomorrow…the sink filled no matter how many times it’s emptied…the work piling up no matter how many times you ‘get it done.’ If we keep putting off our life’s greatest work…raising up children to know Jesus…we will find our hands fruitless in the end. Nobody is going to care how you kept the house up, if the relationship comes up empty…you have this glorious moment in time, just a moment, to show wide eyed wonders the greatest wonder of all time.


And you’re not incompetent, unable…for all our inadequacy is gloriously covered by King Jesus (2 Corinthians 2-4). God-sufficiency is all we need.

 Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God,who has made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant, not ofthe letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

2 Corinthians 3:4-6

So, what if you’re resolved…you do want to impress to truths of God onto the hearts of your babes (Deuteronomy 6)?


How to start memorizing Scripture with your kiddos….

1. Start slow and simple. Choose 1-2 verses for a 2 week time frame. Better 2 verses understood and applied than a whole slew that haven’t worked their way into your life. You don’t want to teach your kids that Scripture knowledge equates maturity or right understanding, because it does not.


2. Show them how Scripture operates and blesses everyday life. Take time to point out how the Scripture applies to any number of  situations that arise in the day.


3. Rehearse the Scripture often. In our home, we probably go over our memory verses 3-4 times a day. Sometimes it’s just for fun and many times it is to apply truth to our real life.


4. Pick passages as well as a verse here and there…Memorizing passages is sometimes easier.


5. LOVE memorizing, studying, enjoying Scripture all by your sweet self and your children will catch that passion.


The mommy clock is ticking down and one day you will wake up and your kids won’t be pounding the staircase or playing blocks or begging for more food (smile). They will, by God’s measureless grace, have families of their own. When we wake up to that day we won’t frown looking back…we will smile, if we offered them Life itself, Jesus and His breathing Word. Perhaps no regret will take hold.

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