
The hush of rain washed over me. It’s steady rhythm rocking me like I rock my babies sound asleep. All is quiet about me inside our home, but outside drumming rain  persists, and sleep closes my eyes. It made me think… quiet without does not necessitate quiet within; and both are a sure miracle. In Christ, everything can be wild outside of us and all quiet and peace within, but this is a great wonder.


The storm that rages harder than ocean waves is the one threatening to stir in our hearts, the one swelling up against our faith and all sound wisdom. There is a reason the Scripture comes telling us…

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7


Do not be anxious about anything, because the Lord knows we have the tendency to be anxious about everything. In this stir crazy world, where is the woman truly quieted in soul who is so rare and precious to God (1 Peter 3)? When all about me is happy loud and kids jump on beds, roll off couches, build forts, run wildly, stub toes, need kisses, run in circles, need snuggles…when everything is anything but quiet, may my soul still hold fast to the imperishable beauty…the eternal delight of a gentle and quiet spirit.  When there is sadness and despair stands at the door and there are ER visits, sick family members, hurting people, aches in your own heart, and headlines everywhere discourage and there seems to be no good news… may our souls still be still in Him. When all is waiting and prayer and the husband hasn’t arrived on the scene & we long for marriage, when the test results haven’t come back, when there are weeks, months, beautiful hard years of waiting may our souls be gentle. And may the gentleness be evident to all because we are giving witness to this one fact that sustains every last thing, the Lord is near  (Philippians 4).


A gentle and quiet spirit is quite related to the peace that surpasses understanding. It’s the reason we can be still and know Him when all is swelling up against us, and we feel that the waves might just topple us down.

When we see the waves and just like Peter drown in fear may we hear His voice speak to our souls peace be still and in a moment let fear casting, anxiety blowing, condemnation quenching love encase us with other worldly peace.


Let us live that miracle of faith that makes waves without and within stop. Rain falls soundless from the sky satisfying the earth, and living water wells up in souls submitted to Jesus; there is no quiet, no gentleness, no peace apart from Him. 

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