In America, we just keep buying stuff. Hence we have “Junk Trucks.” 1-800-Got-Junk? No, I am not kidding. I saw one today. It occurred to me as I sit in my cozy living room adorned with many pretty perishables, that we just keep on buying junk. Nothing wrong with enjoying candle sticks and the warm smell of cinnamon vanilla or smiling at the sparkly beads on almost one year pillows gifted to me from Handsome.  There’s not a thing wrong in finding a bit of joy in what the Good Father gives


For every good and perfect gift is from above

coming down from the Father of Heavenly lights…


Life is laced with grace and everything is a gift, but how apt are we at turning gifts into idols we worship. We’re quite proficient at it. These hearts of ours are ever the “idol factory.”

When we’re stuck in our stuff, we just keep on buying because it feels like the swipe of the card is going to yield this fullness and fill us up full. We try to stop our wanting by getting all we want. It’s when we come to the Lord, our portion and our cup though that we finally are full, because if we have Him and take hold we don’t want.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.


This promise of fullness from stuff is false and my guess is we know it, but until we come to know the the truest Desire of our hearts, I suppose we will keep trying to fill up on stuff because we’re starved empty, the poorest of poor.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.


Fire will consume all this stuff. The only thing left between here and eternity is you and the Word. The portion and the cup, our Jesus, will fill you up or you will drink the cup of His wrath. He doesn’t think loving stuff is a trifling matter. It’s the stuff of foolishness. It’s American idolatry. Let us then let it go and find out how empty we really are.

Empty, to be filled.

To be filled with the One we were created for. Created not for idolatry, but to worship in Spirit and in truth.

Maybe if we open our eyes, we will see that the whole world is full of His glory. The beauty has always been there. Sometimes we have to bend down to find it. Blinded by glitz, glam, and trend, our hands must learn to open to true life, fullness, freedom…. Life laced with grace, full and free.



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