

Cozied up in a comfy chair while I watch my sweet three zip up and down our street. Rays of light fall warmly on my skin and life feels slow and good as a soft breeze brushes gently by. The gift of the first flowers slipping through blades of spring grass… Some call them weeds my firstborn boy calls them beautiful and picks them for me. Bubbles hang in the air and birds sing and I wonder why don’t we live all of life this way, slow and gentle instead of so fast and literally furious? Why do we demand certain things out life instead of receiving what God gives? If everything is a gift why do we live like everything is owed… As if waking up in the morning is our right instead of a grace from our Father?


How would life change if we lived receiving each day as a gift and entrusting each day to our God?


Anxiety would soon be snuffed out. Fear fading like the last embers of a wood fire. When you realize that you are a gift recipient it takes the pressure of performing off and allows you to do God’s will in freedom, because isn’t about earthly success. It isn’t about the praise of man. It is about God freely receiving His glory from us.


The temptation to hurry remains and it will remain as long as the earth spins round and the reality of erring on the hurry is sure. We lose our tempers. Break each other’s hearts in our impatience. We worry ourselves silly trying so hard to fit it all in and get it all done. We are never better for the hurry; we are all the worse for it.


But on this day I am going slow and asking the Lord to calm my heart, to let me live with His peace truly ruling my heart instead of agendas and fears and all of that. I pray the same grace for you. You are so dearly loved.


To the King immortal invisible {to the One who saw death undone} be praise and glory and dominion forever, Amen.

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1 Comment

  1. Such a refreshing read this morning. Thank you Regina for speaking in truth.

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