It’s been a harried afternoon. The circus has been on in full force. I bet you know exactly what I am talking about and that fact makes me smile. Even if you don’t have toddlers in tow, consider your own form of beautiful craziness.

It’s Bible study day here and the kiddos have been teetering on wild! This is no surprise. My precious girl got up no less than 5 times from ‘nap.’ That never happens. I haven’t been as gracious or gentle as I would have liked to, but I did pray. Something occurred to me in the middle of her tears and my frustration and bewilderment…even if all continues just so, I have prayed asked for help & there’s peace in that. There’s comfort in knowing however disarrayed we are when we come to our Good Father He adorns us with salvation, saving us once and for all at our conversion, but from ourselves daily, from the battles that rage in unseen realms (Ephesians 6).

We can live out His will in the midst of all of the fullness of our days. Jesus taught us how, abide. Abide in Him, for apart from Him you can do nothing (John 15).

Let the circus carry on then. For in Christ, we have direct access to Him. No matter how pitifully short we fall of His glory, we are carried closer still to our Father in Christ. There’s peace in that.  Thankful for the day’s crazy goodness. It really is good. Maybe better than good, because it’s in The Circus that we are humbled to the core. Eyes opened to the truth that we have nothing of value to offer but  Him.


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