0226The deceitful sin that creeps into our minds…that slides without a whisper into all the empty spaces it finds. How can we keep fear at a bay? How can we resist the one who schemes that we would not pray? How does the reoccurring torment end? How can we stop and flee this sin?


Trust, believe and do not think that your Father loves less…The lie in our minds makes  His love shrink. Our souls shrivel up and our hearts start to sink…. But let His love spread wide upon your heart, engulf your thought. For if you believe His promises are true you will see He is taking care of you, but if you doubt and give to fear the torment is always near. The way to fight fear is faith…The way to win against this sin? Hide so carefully in the Son that doubt cannot see you, not even one. Let the tidal wave of belief push you from sin’s grip…Let the wash of grace make you fit.


Anxiety comes to plague all and only the believing will stand firm, even tall. You see fear is false, the lie is so crafty, but you will win if you let Truth capture thee.

This world is full of fretful fearers and frightfully short on Christ reverers.


Our days begin with questions and end with them too… One that God’s Word always asks me…you…. Will you believe God our Savior or will you believe the lie…that crept in the garden, that started to fly wild in the hearts of man falling deep into death…or will you take a deep BREATH and believe what God-breathed out…? And then perhaps with a SHOUT rise up to victory?!


Ah, sin’s grip at last loses its hold on me. Truth always sets free!


For the righteous will never be moved;
he will be remembered forever.
He is not afraid of bad news;
his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.
His heart is steady; he will not be afraid,
until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.

Psalm 112

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