There’s something more than just scraping by…..



Life can feel like we’re scraping by a lot, can’t it? I heard you yesterday. I am there with you. It can feel hard, because it is hard. It can feel dreary like 5 consecutive overcast days….  When the only thing bright are the dots on your black rain boots (smile).


But can I whisper some truth to you without you shrinking away unbelieving before you’ve even thought it through?


The Grace of God appeared bringing salvation… Jesus came teaching us to renounce false ways, teaching us to live life. He came to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good works.


You belong to Jesus. How does that change your now?


There are always, always glimmers of bright hope piercing the deepest black. When your days run you weary and dry…look to hope, to grace, to peace…. He has a name you know, Jesus.


Somehow when Jesus possesses you life doesn’t have to perfect for you to be GLAD. When you belong to Jesus there’s this freedom flying fancy & free in the midst of our fight for peace. There can be GLAD JOY in these days of gray. Do you know how to hold onto Jesus in the details when life just doesn’t stop coming faster than you can process?


Remember those famed sisters of Scripture, Mary and Martha? Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and was rewarded. Martha was busy tending to the house, complained to Jesus and was rebuked. We need to be a little more like Mary, a little less like Martha. We need a Mary kind of spirit even when we have to have Martha’s busy hands.


Jesus comes to save us. Eternally, oh yes, but daily from ourselves and destructive bents….YES! GLAD JOY, sister no matter how stir crazy you feel. Let me take your hand and tell you what the Lord has done for my soul. YES in the midst, in the very midst of everything that flying wild all about this full sweet home……


There’s joy to be had, seen, lived…I want you to join the refrain that your life may sing JOY to the world gladly. Jesus is the JOY.

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  1. Yes!! Somehow when Jesus possesses you life doesn’t have to be perfect for you to be GLAD. amen!!

    1. YES, Amen!!:) Love to you in Christ!!

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