
You really can live off God’s Word; I believe that.  It’s better than the finest dining or coolest new drink. It’s better than any amount of pleasure or desire fulfilled. It will give you your desires if you let it. It will lead you to a Rock, a God who is upholder of everything, straight into the arms of the One who always holds you up. You cannot be starved of His Word and soul satisfied. The longings of the human heart clamor to be filled, and the only source of fullness that will not ultimately lead to sorrow,  is God.


The sorrows of those who run after another God will be multiplied.


But in His presence there is fullness of joy and at His right hand there are pleasures forevermore. We can live off of Him and the Word that He gives. If we will not make time for this we starve ourselves. There’s a feast spread before us. We can memorize it. Read a small portion or gorge ourselves; we will never get sick of it. We cannot be too full of it. We can read speedily or slow to ponder. We can invite others into our space, into our thoughts and musings on God’s Word, or we can keep some treasure to ourselves (sweet smile).


Whatever our relationship is to God cannot be assessed apart from our understanding and our desire to delight in Him through His Word.


We do not worship the Bible, but we cannot worship Jesus apart from the truth in it. We do not hold the Scripture up as God, but we cannot know our God apart from it. The breath of God moved the Holy Words onto destructible pages but the Word can never be destroyed.


The Bible?  It’s been burned, torn, maligned, misinterpreted, abused, but it’s Words rightly divided and graciously applied will only ever FREE captives!


How can we ignore it? How can our days not have enough time for it? And what in the world is a Christian if they aren’t a student of the only book God gives?


Scripture. We need it. Quite possibly more than air. It’s the air of God that carries us along through every storm and gale. It’s the breath of God moving us onward…upward, and it will be at His Word that the trumpet sounds. Those steeped in Him will mount up on wings like eagle and in a moment be just like Him.


Let’s let our intake of Scripture become an everyday wonder to our soul. Let’s let our kids see who the wonder of Christ, because who Jesus is is only found in one place. Let’s show them through trial and joy, through mistakes and bliss, through sin and repentance, through all this conglomeration of life beautiful and hard that Jesus is our Hero in every way. A day without Him is a day misspent. 


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