



Toys strewn, 2-day old dishes piled, laundry never done, books to read…read again, again (smile), scraping the bottom of my soul for strength to make it. A shower please, someone, anyone, just me?


The Lord in the details. In my life stuck on repeat. How many times do I do the same thing again and again? How do I let the Lord in it?


I keep trying to get it all done…to get to Him. BUT He is in it? In everything. I remember, that Word…in Him all things hold together. All things? ALL things.


But I lost my temper again. Why do I get so mad at childhood? Why do I hear myself telling them, “Don’t make messes!” And I hear the inner dialogue, “Please, please don’t make messes, because I need some peace….” Like peace comes from unwrinkled beds and an empty sink. Nice things, yes, but not sources of life or peace or anything precious.


What if I let PEACE in? What if I believed Him….


He is here in this mess I am in. Literally.


He is here….offering a wounded hand to heal my brokenness. Taking away mommy guilt. He is here for the needy, the tired, the laundry stricken, the snot plagued…


He is here…holding all things together, so I can live…peace.


I sin. I don’t hold it together. I don’t hold them together. Alone we will break  apart. BUT Jesus. He holds me together. He holds them together. Let Him in…in the details.


What if the Word I have loved so…the knowledge I have known so long…sank down in the mundane, deep in it?


Jesus holding ALL THINGS…Jesus holding me as I hold them.


There’s glory in weakness. Where there’s Jesus there’s power. Maybe He can hold me together…you together? Maybe we will search His Word and see…..


This Word I loved so coming again to heal me? YES. Live on it. Live on Him, Bread of Life.


The grace of God appeared…. Saw us just scraping by… just barely making it. No, saw us not making it. And He came into my mess of a heart and healed it.



They don’t need a pretend perfect mommy with all the right craft supplies. No, they need Jesus.


It’s ok then. It’s ok that I am tired. That I wreak of toddlerhood (smile) and sweat. Scraping by.

He was scraped raw for me. Stripped of skin, of life, of the Father for a moment to save me.

To save this young mom looking for peace sometimes everywhere but in His face. And there’s this HOPE that keeps coming in our Advent. No one can stop Him coming.


No matter how scraped we are…. He was scraped raw, beyond recognition to save us, to heal us. The wounds that heal. The dead that lived. Always making impossible things true.


Peace enters just now, because He is alive. It’s not optimism; it’s not me created.


It’s Jesus.


It’s God holding all things together in the details.

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  1. Such powerful word’s spoken in Truth, thank you Regina. This was a much needed read this morning. ♥

    1. Praise the Lord for lifting our chins, smiling on us, and giving us wisdom to love… Love you!

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