2 Peter 1.19

Ever feel like you’re breaking your back trying to serve God? Maybe you never spin that direction, but for those who have…God neither desires a broken back nor idleness. We waver into between two hard extremes sometimes…. Barreling through life doing or trying to recover from all the doing.  Grace has a sweeter affect though. Grace isn’t void of hard work, nor is it trying to pacify tiredness with some form of entertainment. Grace’s sweet affect is that we work hard doing the exact works God called us to, nothing more or less. Jesus’ brother, James, got it right. The rest and refreshment come from the person of Jesus. He is the only refreshment for the exhausted body and soul…He even is the One who gives sleep in the first place. He sees you yawning young momma. He’s there. He’s always there.


If we want to live in the grace of God though, it necessitates that we live in His Word, that we let His Word have its home in our hearts. An unrenewed mind never did discern the will of God, even if it appears so.


We cannot understand how He is giving us grace, how He would have us live if we skim, skimp, or skip His perfect Law…that one that brings glorious freedom.


Jesus is the grace of God Titus assures us. His Word is the One the Spirit inspired that we might hear it, conform to it, and be transformed by it. If the Word of God fails to live in us in an abiding way, we will be the fully saved lost ones. When  you turn out the lights, you lose your way. His Word is the light, and your way is lost if you’re not in it…if it’s not in you.


That’s why I keep on memorizing, reading, studying, loving, hoping in, conforming to…that’s why I have as my most perfect delight, by grace, by grace Jesus and His Word that He so graciously gave. He didn’t have to. It didn’t have to be translated into a language we understand. It could have been burned up, kept from us, but it isn’t. The only thing between you and God’s Word…is your own lack of letting His grace affect you. His grace is meant to lead you into all things…He is your rest and the reason we can discern what we ought to do. When you walk with Him through the living Word, He leads you into all things. He has your back…He doesn’t need you to break it. Take grace. Let it in more.



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