Have you ever had a morning like that? A month? A year?


When you’re like me and kids bound in the room before dawn (Yes, I know we must train them… that’s glorious work too; I do it by grace… and I’m still tired, smile). After a night of little sleep, a morning of pure neediness, and simply not enough quiet even though I rose early and tried to seek. My plan felt spoiled. I had it all worked out. When your plan goes awry, what do you do with that? When everything that is happening is pretty much something you didn’t agree too, smile.


When everything begins the way you didn’t plan.




He has ordained all of our days before one of them came to be. He knows. And He knows best.


We keep trying to “build” things on our own. A morning, a day, a life…. We were never meant to author the story. He knows best. He knows we’re fragile and tired, sometimes haunted by the thought of “what could have been” in our childhood,  in our yesterdays. He remembers, praise God, that we are but dust and He remains patient with us.


So if you’re bone tired. Feeling needy. And everything is a mess, not just the kitchen and kids’ rooms, but you. If you have come to Jesus, you have come to the right place.


He knows our souls faint for the courts of the living God (Psalm 84).


What we need most is His presence, not our plan.


You don’t have to wait for tomorrow to begin again…. He is the Sunrise from on high and He just keeps on dawning in the one yielded to Him. Turns out we really are children of the day.

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