The Dose of Reality We Really Need


Instagram serves up in a clear way the fact that we are all searching for heaven on earth a piece of something idyllic. We inherently know it is not attainable yet our hearts yearn for that bit of perfection here and now and, always, it slips our grasp. There can be real goodness behind the squares don’t get me wrong; cynicism is not my game. I love the glimpses into home and life. Truth be told all the beauty of it makes me happy. Even so, some moments real life serve call to mind the fact that the social media parade of perfection is painfully short of reality.


DE4CD26C-FA9E-4E0E-AEAF-D42CF1FC6BABReality is something we wrestle with. When I look at myself, while I cannot get a clear assessment, I see my sin, my lack. I see dreams and hopes and aspirations some godly and some not. I see my quick anger and the begrudging way I can attend to things I’ve wanted my whole life. In short, reality is a thorough mixture of all I love and all I hate. My guess is you resonate with me. Maybe it’s a different more lasting dose of reality that we all need anyway.



The real, the true substance of Christ Jesus is what I need. He is what my life needs to receive clarity, power, genuine conviction of sin, true repentance of the same. Jesus is the realest real and the one that we need. We know this but in our flesh we fight against it. We would rather be self-sufficient. We would enjoy autonomy.





We think we would love to rule our own lives.





We can search the world wide for peace and fulfillment via any number of means, pick your poison, right?! The world I dabble in seeks it in perfect homes (interior design), perfect children (homeschool or your own version), perfect marriages (lavish dates & vacations), perfect lives. And while we can all appreciate the beauty of a good vacation or obedient children or a well put together home, we all know that the perfection these snapshots boast is hilariously ridiculous, because we know life is not perfect! Yet, we are all tempted to the same things. The truth is we are not perfect neither our kids nor our marriages. And perfect counter tops, paint colors, floor plans, and the like will not satisfy or set our hearts free. For in a decade the “classic” of today will be ruthlessly ripped out of homes tomorrow. And you guys, I’m not against a renovation; we have our plans too, I am simply saying if happiness resides in brick and mortar and what’s contained in the way of material possessions, we will soon find ourselves standing with fistfuls of dust. These things aren’t the real and the true. Jesus is. Hear me when I say:



Your children or future children aren’t enough for the gaping hole in your soul. There’s no husband strong enough to fill you. There’s no house beautiful enough to satisfy. There’s no cosmetic procedure that will keep you young enough.



 Look around this world and behold the lack.





Take a good hard look and let it make you deeply satisfied with Jesus. Let the reality of things allow you to yield to Jesus and lead you to tear down the idols the rise up in your hearts. Trade them for the real Savior that lasts. The real that is true. The real that is coming for you. And He will not fade away. Beauty of face, curated interiors and perfect exteriors, the most of wonderful of spouses, mannerly children… these, while fine and even good, are not to be worshiped. Jesus is to be the recipient of all our longings, and He will make beautiful and satisfy all those who are His, not with the stuff of earth, but with Himself. This is a reality we can rest in.

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