imageimageimageLittle Warrior… Our good Father understands where you are, what you’re looking forward to, what distracts you and how sin entices you. He never tempts us, but He certainly understands what it is to be tempted. He is intimately acquainted with your deepest thoughts, every feeling however fleeting, every whim of yours, and every one of your natural inclinations. He loves you, and He knows you. He will be your Helper in all of this.


There are some things you must understand… God is with you. God is for you. God will fight for you, and He has placed you little warrior in agreat battle.


You must understand the ways of forces beyond you and against you, evil forces that wage mercilessly against us in the heavenly places. You must understand that you are a part of something that stretches far beyond the realm of time. God’s redemptive plan and your role in God’s plan holds more importance than anything else on this earth. If you fail to understand that we will be sorry for it in the end. For there is a day of accountability and judgment for believers, not unto condemnation, but for reward. Our deeds will be judged, and it will be easy to spend life in a fruitless manner.


Life is good, but it isn’t the comfortable thing that the world suggests. Life is a good fight, and if you are not consciously fighting your flesh you are likely flailing in your ordained purpose. We are tempted to build life on the sand, but there is no fruit without discipline. No favor without humility. No maturity without study. No relationship with God of any depth at all without some discipline toward fasting and prayer. There is grace for you and forgiveness, in Christ, immeasurable, and there might be time, but it pours out quickly and your hands never grasp it… Your eyes will never see the passing time again.


Take hold of these few moments, this quick breath of life, this fading mist and live. Don’t let it be said of you “She missed it.” The opportunity has passed….


Fight little warrior and fight well. Win the prize… Win your race… Understand that your life was formed with purpose, live it.

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