It happened this morning. It tickles my soul every time. Quiet. It began quiet.


The kids rose before dawn as they often do. Laughter first. My Bible at my side to read, to rest in. There was breakfast to cook… Pancakes to whip and syrup to make (ran out, smile). There was NOISE, happy noise. Truth? I don’t like noise early. I like it later, not before dawn, not when I am trying to be quiet.


They were using outdoor voices, not indoor voices. Why do they always think they are outside (smile)?


But this morning there was noise and quiet all wrapped up together. I began to read…to let the Word of God press in…into me. And even though the kids didn’t conform to my way (I seek to wake before them), Grace came and I conformed to His.


There was QUIET amid the noise. That imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. Not a new personality, not pretentious appearances,  no, just stillness inside, that is beauty, that is grace, even a miracle. That’s better than the best smokey eye tutorial on pinterest, and friend I do enjoy a good smokey eye, but better is a woman changed by her God, still.


3 young children already spinning before light hits the horizon and a mom yielded to the Lord, quiet. Receiving His will. Giving thanks.


Delighting in her God as He surely delights over her.

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