
It could be. It really could be. And that’s not wishful thinking or pop-culture psychobabble. In Christ, every new day, every new year could be the best yet. NOT because trials and difficulties won’t come, no, they undoubtedly will. NOT because all of your relationships will be easy and painless, no, they undoubtedly won’t. The best year yet is when a year…day after day for 365 align with God’s will, and that can actually happen, but it will never happen if you..if I… don’t know His Word in a lasting way. We will not achieve any measure of perfection, but we can know our God and love Him… His Word is near to us, it is in us, and it can change us. One degree of glory to another…to another…to another…. That’s the way it goes in the Jesus seekers life, but not apart from His Word.


There are a few impossible things in life…one impossibility is growing in Jesus apart from His Word.


I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5


Apart from Him, we can do NOTHING.


We can’t test and approve God’s will if we don’t know God’s Word. No lie can undo His truth. We will not know Him or His will apart from a deep intimate understanding of His Word. That happens day after day after hard day of pressing into Him and refusing to give up or let go. That is discipline, I know, the Father blesses!


As many as would listen…lending a humble, seeking ear…I would try to convince to MEMORIZE and MEDITATE on God’s Word with me in the coming year. Would you press in deep…discipline yourself hard…and experience the WONDER of eyes opening, Christ revealing, glory filled, life illuminating TRUTH. The unfolding of His Word brings LIGHT!


And we have something more sure, the prophetic word, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts…. 2 Peter 1:19

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  1. Count me in!!!

    1. I am so excited you’re doing this with me Kristy!! Eager to see how the Lord will work in us!! Love to you in Christ….

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